Press Square/X for the rainbow (Square/X = rainbow) (jump key) Press Cirlce/B for a headbutt (Circle/B = headbutt) (secondary/light attack key) Press Triangle/Y for a slide tackle (Trianlge/Y = slide tackle) (Enter vehicle key)
Press R1/RB for a lift kick which goes higher with less distance (R1/RB = lift kick) (Cover key) Press Right on the DPAD to pick up the ball (Right DPAD = pickup ball) (Vehicle headlight key)
Press Right on the DPAD for a longer, harder kick (L2/LT = hard kick) (Aim key) Press L2 or LT for a lighter kick (RT/R2 = light kick) (Attack key) Press Left on the DPAD to spawn a ball (Left DPAD = spawn ball) (Phone left key) MUST HAVE DEFAULT CONTROLLER CONTROLS FOR THIS TO WORK You can change the keyboard controls in SoccerV FootballV.ini Press F6 to open the Soccer Drills menu Press B for a lift kick which goes higher with less distance Press L/RightClick for a longer, harder kick Shoot the ball into the red sphere in the net to score Sprint into the ball to push it forward About: This mod allows you to play soccer / football withĭrag and drop SoccerV FootballV.dll & SoccerV FootballV.ini into